Bernice Ledwell

The oldest son of Warren and Alma Ledwell had skills that most family members were not aware he held. Bernice was an unbelievable writer. He wrote several books that I tried very hard to get him to publish. His imagination in his writing skills was astonishing. He wrote page-turners. Many times after reading one of his works I would ask where did you come up with these ideas. His books were always fiction with unbelievable characters. He also had a talent for drawing. There is a piece of his art that hangs in the sanctuary of Mitchell church. Some family members will recall the reunion tee shirts with the old home place on the front. That too was done by Bernice. The amazing thing is that he drew the old home place while staying with me in New Jersey. I could not believe the detail of that piece without being in North Carolina to see it as he was doing it.

My son's ability to draw came from him watching Bernice when he was a little boy. Bernice encouraged Michael to pursue his talent.

Bernice received his ministerial license at the age of 17 from the Methodist church under the leadership of Rev. E.J. Jones. He was very knowledgeable of the bible but did not pursue that career path. During that timeframe, he decided to join the US Navy where he spent four years.

One of his greatest joys was country music. As a young man, he would get with one of our neighbors, and they would sing together. He was one of only two of us that had a singing voice. My son became a lover of Kenny Rogers due to Bernice playing his records so much while staying with me in New Jersey.

My memories of him as a young girl was that he was my biggest protector. He was always by my side and made sure our other three brothers could not take out warranted revenge on me for some of the things I did.

The blueprints on the house that Jimmy and Cornelius built for mother were drawn by Bernice. I was told the building inspector was impressed that he had no architectural training. I often wonder how far he could have gone if he had pursued his talent.
