Muriel Leon Ledwell "David"

David, the youngest son of Warren and Alma Ledwell was as mean as a rattle-snake and as fearless as a Lion. He was the one child that did not follow the protocol of house rules. David was adventurous and seemed to love all living creations especially those that could be dangerous. A rule breaker is what he was known for from our parents. My mother would somehow make excuses for him to keep our father from discipline him.

As he grew into adulthood, he seems to have formed a relationship with young children. David was the father of one son, Jeffrey Harris and a daughter, Frances McClain. At present, he has several grandchildren that I am looking forward to meeting.

In thinking back over our childhood, there was a time that I was a little more fearless than David. Even though he was a year older than me, I could convince him to follow my lead at times. I decided one day while mom was a way that we would visit neighbors. He did follow me, and yes we got lost in the woods. When our father finally found us quite a distance from home, he was not happy. I remember him saying "David," I am only giving you one swat because you would not have attempted this without Jane making you. I did not fare quite as well. Long story short, we never ran away again.

David came to live with me before God called him home. It was the first time that we had spent time under the same roof since childhood. He turned out to be an excellent cook and somewhat of a neat freak. I hope that he is looking down on his legacy through his son and grandchildren.

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Janes Picks, HistoryMike Rush